Thursday, March 9, 2006
User Interface Visuals for Office 2007
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 11:00 PM
" the CeBIT conference in Germany, we revealed the new visuals for the Office 2007 user interface. You can see a few screenshots of the new look on the Office 2007 UI Preview Site. If you've got a craving to see even more, I've created a mini-gallery of full-size screenshots from a recent build of the product below. Tomorrow, I'll be posting a guest article written by my colleague Brad Weed, head of the Office Design Group. He's penned an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the new visuals from his perspective as a designer."

As Windows Mobile users we're pretty much intrinsically tied to Microsoft Office, or at the very least Outlook, so I'm always interested in where Office is headed. The new user interface for 2007 is radically different than anything we've seen from the Office team before, and I for one welcome it. Office has looked the same for too long - time for some much-needed change. Most people don't like change, even if it's good for them.

As Windows Mobile users we're pretty much intrinsically tied to Microsoft Office, or at the very least Outlook, so I'm always interested in where Office is headed. The new user interface for 2007 is radically different than anything we've seen from the Office team before, and I for one welcome it. Office has looked the same for too long - time for some much-needed change. Most people don't like change, even if it's good for them.