Friday, March 10, 2006
Gx5's Mobile Device Wallpaper (Themes) for Windows Mobile Devices
Posted by Jason Dunn in "CONTENT" @ 01:00 AM
"Gx5’s mobile device wallpapers have been meticulously designed to give your home screen a new and refreshingly vibrant experience that will captivate and inspire you. We light up your home screen with the best nature has to offer along with precision “tech like” graphics that make your high tech mobile device stand out from the crowd."

We don't post on themes very often, but when we do I always make sure they're worth posting on - I've never heard of Gx5 before, but man do they have some nice device themes! Their Web site has a cool Flash preview tool so you can see what the themes looks like on different devices, including Pocket PCs and Smartphones. The theme pack costs $4.95. You should visit just to see the Web site, it's so tasty I feel like licking the screen! :P

We don't post on themes very often, but when we do I always make sure they're worth posting on - I've never heard of Gx5 before, but man do they have some nice device themes! Their Web site has a cool Flash preview tool so you can see what the themes looks like on different devices, including Pocket PCs and Smartphones. The theme pack costs $4.95. You should visit just to see the Web site, it's so tasty I feel like licking the screen! :P