Monday, March 6, 2006
Microsoft Continues to Tease with Origami Details
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 01:00 PM
"Despite the buzz being generated by its Origami Project, Microsoft plans to give it only brief mention at the upcoming CeBIT trade show, even though that event coincides with when the company has said it will offer more details. The project apparently involves a mobile PC running Windows XP, according to a Web site about it. The company will discuss Origami for 'only 30 seconds' during its main press conference at the giant CeBIT trade show next week in Hanover, Germany... Microsoft partners Intel and Samsung Electronics will provide the most information to CeBIT attendees about Origami, since Microsoft has not designed any new hardware for the project."

So we thought we'd get the full scoop come March 2nd, but that obviously hasn't been the case. As many have conjectured, this does appear to be one-and-the-same as the Ultimate Mobile PC that Intel had touted (and is scheduled to introduce tomorrow at their Intel Developer's Forum in San Francisco) Stay tuned. We'll have more details soon!

So we thought we'd get the full scoop come March 2nd, but that obviously hasn't been the case. As many have conjectured, this does appear to be one-and-the-same as the Ultimate Mobile PC that Intel had touted (and is scheduled to introduce tomorrow at their Intel Developer's Forum in San Francisco) Stay tuned. We'll have more details soon!