Thursday, February 23, 2006
Earn Money With Spb's Second AirIslands Contest
Posted by Raphael Salgado in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 PM
"Spb Software House launches the second Spb AirIslands contest. We will convert game money earned in Spb AirIslands of the best player to real money. Build your island, maximize your daily income, send your save to us and if your daily income is the biggest among all other players you will get your daily income value as an or certificate. Current IGC/USD (Island Gold Coins/US Dollar) exchange rate is 450/1."
If it's not enough that this game is both innovative and entertaining on your Pocket PC, they're giving money away with it, too! For those not in the know, Spb AirIslands mixes a beautiful town sim game with fast-paced mini games, then surrounds it with a growing online community (over 30,000 gamers to date!) for an endless amount of fun. This contest will last until March 1, 2006, so start building your AirIsland today!

If it's not enough that this game is both innovative and entertaining on your Pocket PC, they're giving money away with it, too! For those not in the know, Spb AirIslands mixes a beautiful town sim game with fast-paced mini games, then surrounds it with a growing online community (over 30,000 gamers to date!) for an endless amount of fun. This contest will last until March 1, 2006, so start building your AirIsland today!