Monday, February 13, 2006
ReenSoft Release PIEPlus 1.31: Pocket IE Enhancer
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "SOFTWARE" @ 08:00 PM
Well, ReenSoft have officially released PIEPlus V1.31 (after what seemed like a long beta period) and there's a fair few changes from version 1.2. These include: Windows Mobile 2003 SE support (including Pocket View), they've fixed the problem with Wisbar Advance 2, the tab bar visibility can be toggled in the context menu the height is now adjustable, the sensitivity for screen drag can be set, you can save & view image and HTML source in the context menu, there is a full screen button in the toolbar and you can play sound or make a window foreground when a page is loaded.

I bought PIEPlus last year as it offered all the features I was looking for in a browser enhancer. You can download the PIEPlus desktop installer 14 day trial version here, get more details about the software here and if you like it, you can buy it for US$9.95 from Handango. [Affiliate] . There is currently a 33% discount until Mar 31 if you enter the coupon code 9F792FAF in your shopping cart. Happy browsing. :)

I bought PIEPlus last year as it offered all the features I was looking for in a browser enhancer. You can download the PIEPlus desktop installer 14 day trial version here, get more details about the software here and if you like it, you can buy it for US$9.95 from Handango. [Affiliate] . There is currently a 33% discount until Mar 31 if you enter the coupon code 9F792FAF in your shopping cart. Happy browsing. :)