Friday, January 20, 2006
An Idea Whose Time Has Come: The Phone-Camera
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 12:00 AM
"In a stunning technological breakthrough, Canon has managed to combine their digital SLR cameras with advanced cell phone technology. From now on, you will always have a phone handy, no matter where you are. "I got the idea out on a photo safari in my local park when I needed a friend's advice," Alana Harford, Chief of Engineering at Canon, explained. "But when I wanted to call him, I realized that I had - once again - forgotten my cell phone at home. At first I thought about duct taping the phone to my camera - which I've always got on me. Then it occurred to me: 'Hey, why not combine the two?'" . . . Some nature photographers complained the phone has rung and scared off wildlife, and setting the phone to vibrate can blur pictures. . . . "I think we're on to something here," Alana Harford added. "In a few years, I bet you can't find a camera out there without a built-in phone.""
The subject of embedded cameras has cropped up from time to time here at Pocket PC Thoughts. I think I've been clear where I stand on the matter. ;-) However I think we can all agree on the practicality of this new fusion of form and function for photography. Good old BBspot. :lol: I wonder how fast this phone-camera would charge in an overclocked house.....

The subject of embedded cameras has cropped up from time to time here at Pocket PC Thoughts. I think I've been clear where I stand on the matter. ;-) However I think we can all agree on the practicality of this new fusion of form and function for photography. Good old BBspot. :lol: I wonder how fast this phone-camera would charge in an overclocked house.....