Monday, January 16, 2006
T-Mobile's MDA and SDA - Preorder on the 19th?
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 11:00 PM
"We're not sure when they're actually gonna drop, but T-Mobile phoned home to let us know that their long awaited MDA and SDA are set for pre-order on the 19th (that'd be this Thursday, unless for some reason they meant February 19th). Unfortunately it looks like the Tornado gained the same unsightly bulge Cingular's 2125 did when it hit the streets on its US release, but better here and uglier than not here at all (except but by import), right? We know it'll be for Q1 release, but stay tuned for exact details on pricing, release dates, availability, etc."

January 19th or February 19th. Whatever the case, just say it with me: "Fiiiinnnaaalllly". :)

January 19th or February 19th. Whatever the case, just say it with me: "Fiiiinnnaaalllly". :)