Monday, January 16, 2006
Vaja Releases Five New Cases for the Treo 700w
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 01:45 PM

Vaja Cases has released no less than five new cases for the Windows Mobile-based Palm Treo 700w (I'm still not used to writing that!): the i-Volution T7, the Classic PA165, the i-Volution T77, the Classic PA163, and the Classic PA164. Prices start from $60 USD for the PA163 case all the way up to $110 USD for the i-Volution T77. If you're a new Treo owner and are looking for a case, visit the Vaja site and look under "Smartphones" to find the Treo 700w cases. Remember that subscribers get a $20 off coupon from Vaja. [Affiliate]