Friday, January 6, 2006
GeekZone Reviews the WiFlyer Wireless Access Point + Dial-Up Modem
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 10:00 AM
"The WiFlyer is a Wireless LAN access point, and a very interesting device. Because of its small size and weight it can be packed on a road warrior's travel kit for use in those hotels with broadband but very uncomfortable chairs. In addition to being a wireless access point, the WiFlier also has an ethernet adapter, so you can plug a non-wireless capable computer directly to the small box. But what is really interesting is its ability to connect to a phone line and dial-up to your ISP, as a modem - a wireless modem for that matter. It comes with a built-in V.92/V.90 compatible modem, with digital PBX protection, as an alternative connection."

I still recall the original news about this device; its diminutive size would make it such a handy tool for travelers who don't want to be tethered to a network line! Since then, cheaper pocket-sized WiFi routers have appeared and each day. So what's the appeal of this more costly unit ($130 USD)? Quite simply... the integrated dial-up modem. If you don't have access to WiFi, Ethernet, or GPRS/EVDO, you can still enjoy the internet tether-free through a dial-up connection! The only unfortunate aspect of this device is its lack of support for 802.11g (b only). So what did GeekZone think? Read on and find out!

I still recall the original news about this device; its diminutive size would make it such a handy tool for travelers who don't want to be tethered to a network line! Since then, cheaper pocket-sized WiFi routers have appeared and each day. So what's the appeal of this more costly unit ($130 USD)? Quite simply... the integrated dial-up modem. If you don't have access to WiFi, Ethernet, or GPRS/EVDO, you can still enjoy the internet tether-free through a dial-up connection! The only unfortunate aspect of this device is its lack of support for 802.11g (b only). So what did GeekZone think? Read on and find out!