Thursday, December 29, 2005
Teasing Us From Korea - M8000
Posted by Jon Westfall in "THOUGHT" @ 05:00 AM
"Normally we're not all about the softcore shots of foreign phones straight up with no chaser -- why taunt ourselves like that? -- but we kind of couldn't resist the urge with the M8000. After all, it is the first consumer device we've heard of with either WiBro or WiMax, and once we came to find out it's also got DMB support, TV-out, integrated VoIP, a stubbier, smaller antenna, and that long-awaited camera module not found in the i730, well, we couldn't contain the urge."

Ah, as rightly stated by the guys at Engadget, this is something we'll never see in the US. But we can drool can't we ;)

Ah, as rightly stated by the guys at Engadget, this is something we'll never see in the US. But we can drool can't we ;)