Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Treo 700w Slated For January Release?
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "HARDWARE" @ 10:00 AM
Brighthand has received information that Handango is sending information to its developers that the Palm 700w Treo from Verizon will begin shipping in early January 2006.

My wife is in the market for a new phone and has Verizon. Right now, I am torn between the Treo 700w and the forthcoming Motorola Q, which is based on the Smartphone platform.
Brighthand has received information that Handango is sending information to its developers that the Palm 700w Treo from Verizon will begin shipping in early January 2006.

My wife is in the market for a new phone and has Verizon. Right now, I am torn between the Treo 700w and the forthcoming Motorola Q, which is based on the Smartphone platform.