Friday, December 2, 2005
Pocket RTA for Real Time Spectrum Analysis
Posted by Jon Westfall in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:00 AM
"Pocket RTA Pro is a highly portable real-time spectrum analyser for your PC and Pocket PC. PocketRTA Pro has many advanced features which are normally only found in much more expensive sound analysis software, providing fast and accurate spectrum analysis suitable for both amateur hi-fi enthusiasts and professional A/V engineers. Uses include system calibration, monitoring of noise levels and testing of audio equipment. "

While this software isn't new, one of our readers was very impressed with it and decided to share it with us. If you're a sound engineer, this looks like some software you may want to take a peek at. Then crank it up and enjoy :wink:

While this software isn't new, one of our readers was very impressed with it and decided to share it with us. If you're a sound engineer, this looks like some software you may want to take a peek at. Then crank it up and enjoy :wink: