Monday, November 7, 2005
Reuters Discusses the Future of "Electronic Paper" Technology
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 11:45 AM
"In Neal Stephenson's sci-fi novel 'The Diamond Age,' a young girl's companion is a book with amazing qualities -- it talks, and the words magically change with the story... what was once labeled science fiction is finding its way to the real-world market. 'Electronic paper' is a display technology that makes possible flexible or even rollable displays... consumers are first likely to see the technology in clocks and watches. The popular example of an electronic newspaper that automatically updates itself wirelessly is still years away."

Way back in June, I asked how long we'd have to wait for flexible display technology. I guess it's a positive sign when the topic continues to be discussed by various sources. Reuters has an article discussing the future of "electronic paper" and some of the challenges associated. It's certainly not lacking any major players with names such as LG, Philips and Fujitsu associated. It's worth a read if you're fascinated with this technology. Unfortunately, it still doesn't appear that we'll be enjoying its fruits within the PDA industry anytime real soon.

Way back in June, I asked how long we'd have to wait for flexible display technology. I guess it's a positive sign when the topic continues to be discussed by various sources. Reuters has an article discussing the future of "electronic paper" and some of the challenges associated. It's certainly not lacking any major players with names such as LG, Philips and Fujitsu associated. It's worth a read if you're fascinated with this technology. Unfortunately, it still doesn't appear that we'll be enjoying its fruits within the PDA industry anytime real soon.