Saturday, October 29, 2005
Yet Another Sony Fumble - New Memory Sticks Don't Work With Some Vaios
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 10:00 AM
File this one under the heading "No duh!" "We’ll have to award Sony a few points for remaining steadfast in the face of adversity: the company has announced that a some models of Memory Stick with capacities 1GB and above flat out don’t work with a few series of their VAIO desktops and notebooks. Their response? “Use an external card reader.”

First Sony releases the memory stick then finds out their spec is bad and maxes out at 128MB. Then they come out with the "Duo" stick that is 256MB, but is really 2 128MB sticks shoved together so you have to remove and reverse it. Then they come out with the Memory Stick Pro which worked in exactly 0% of their previous Clie handhelds. Now their big cards may not work with $1,500 and higher laptops. Needless to say, if some of you have a Sony Clie that has a Memory Stick Pro slot, make sure these new large cards work with your system before buying them. Sony probably isn't making any effort to test those anymore.
Why in the world anyone would buy Sony products with that kind of company standing behind it is beyond me... :evil:
File this one under the heading "No duh!" "We’ll have to award Sony a few points for remaining steadfast in the face of adversity: the company has announced that a some models of Memory Stick with capacities 1GB and above flat out don’t work with a few series of their VAIO desktops and notebooks. Their response? “Use an external card reader.”

First Sony releases the memory stick then finds out their spec is bad and maxes out at 128MB. Then they come out with the "Duo" stick that is 256MB, but is really 2 128MB sticks shoved together so you have to remove and reverse it. Then they come out with the Memory Stick Pro which worked in exactly 0% of their previous Clie handhelds. Now their big cards may not work with $1,500 and higher laptops. Needless to say, if some of you have a Sony Clie that has a Memory Stick Pro slot, make sure these new large cards work with your system before buying them. Sony probably isn't making any effort to test those anymore.
Why in the world anyone would buy Sony products with that kind of company standing behind it is beyond me... :evil: