Friday, October 14, 2005
Egress 2.40 Released
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 PM

Egress, a mobile RSS reader, has just been updated to v2.40 (a list of updates can be found below). A free trial version can be downloaded from Handango, with the full version available for $12.00. [Affiliate]
Wizard buttons during New Channel no longer lost after authentication dialog for synchronized channel
Improved web caching logic
Properly handle relative URLs for images within feed
New channel wizard now prompts for caching enclosures
Item titles are no longer truncated when item expanded when item title truncation is selected
Added menu option to item tap-and-hold menu to copy URL of item to the clipboard
Position within channel no longer "lost" when item is clipped
Email item includes URL in email body rather than .url attachment
Corrected registration error message
Added an actual Exit menu option (<ctrl><Q> also works)
Added toolbar icon to mark all items read (in the current channel)
Maximum web caching depth reduced to 2
Corrected parsing of feeds which use non-US codepage
Items retrieved when a channel has been added will now have their images downloaded automatically. Previously only items retrieved after the channel was added would have their images cached
Fixed bug where Egress would inhibit sleep for PocketPC after item retrieval failed due to no connectivity with automatically connect disabled