Monday, October 10, 2005
Symbian OS Developers: Seen The Light?
Posted by Jon Westfall in "DEVELOPER" @ 05:30 AM
"This article is for C++ developers who use Symbian OS and who have developed, or are developing, C++ applications for Symbian OS platforms, such as Series 60 or UIQ, and developers who want to implement their applications on the Windows Mobile operating system for Smartphones. When you first compare the Symbian OS application architecture with the architecture of a Windows Mobile application, they seem to have very little in common. On the Symbian OS, you build C++ graphical user interface (GUI) applications within an application framework by extending base classes that are provided as part of the platform, whereas eMbedded Visual C++ applications that are based on the Windows Mobile operating system are not so closely coupled to the operating system. Windows Mobile has no direct equivalents for common Symbian OS constructs such as two-phase construction or the cleanup stack, and Windows Mobile does not use a Symbian-style client-server model for accessing system resources, such as the file system or socket server."

Our sister site, Smartphone Thoughts posted on this last week and I thought that any Symbian developers lurking around here may want to know about it as well. With more and more WM devices coming out, it makes sense that developers may want to port applications over to it. Enjoy the reading courtsey of MSDN!

Our sister site, Smartphone Thoughts posted on this last week and I thought that any Symbian developers lurking around here may want to know about it as well. With more and more WM devices coming out, it makes sense that developers may want to port applications over to it. Enjoy the reading courtsey of MSDN!