Friday, September 23, 2005
An Exclusive Preview of the HP iPAQ hw6715
Posted by Darius Wey in "HARDWARE" @ 09:00 AM

In the flesh: the HP iPAQ hw6715 Mobile Messenger. I've been asked to remain tight-lipped on where these images came from, but rest assured, they're from a legitimate source. Continue on for an exclusive look at this device.
What is the hw67xx?
Earlier in the year, HP received a mixed response with the release of the iPAQ hw6510/hw6515 Mobile Messenger series. For what it was worth, it was a pretty decent device, but lacked several key features to help set it apart from other Pocket PC Phone Edition devices. Then came the buzz of the iPAQ hw6710/hw6715. We knew it was coming - but questions of "when it would be released" and "what it would include" had yet to be answered.
In August, HP made an accidental leak on the upcoming devices. They then realised their mistake, and the information was pulled. Fortunately, a handy button known as "Print Screen" saved the day.

Figure 1: Leaked information on the iPAQ hw6710. Click the image above for a larger view.

Figure 2: Leaked information on the iPAQ hw6715. Click the image above for a larger view.
Based on these screen captures, the key feature setting the two apart is the inclusion of a 1.3MP camera (as seen in the hw6715). Now, in comparison to the hw65xx series, the hw67xx is one step forward and one step back. The hw67xx offers 128MB of ROM (as opposed to 64MB) and includes integrated Wi-Fi, but it loses the dual SDIO/miniSD slots in preference for a sole miniSD slot. The latter being a questionable move - the device isn't any smaller, so why rid the device of an SDIO slot when so many people loathe miniSD?
1000 Words...
Enough about that. Let's get this out in the open right away. The pictures speak for themselves.

Figure 3: Despite a couple of minor alterations, the hw67xx looks exactly the same as the hw65xx.

Figure 4: Alas, no SD. Could that spell doom for this device?

Figure 5: The hw6715's volume slider and camera button.

Figure 6: Ooh... chunky!.

Figure 7: A look at the all-new hw6715 keyboard. There are a few points to note here - (1) The hw6715's OK key has moved to the left of the Windows key, (2) the Tab key now has a clear secondary Num-Lock function, and (3) the blue Fn key is no longer blue. Finally, the hw6715's keyboard is easier to press than the hw6510/hw6515's.

Figure 8: Yup, that's miniSD.