Tuesday, September 13, 2005
WebIS Toolbox 3.0 Released
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM
"Toolbox is a handy collection of utilities designed to improve your Pocket PC 2003/2003SE experience. With Toolbox, you can present your Personal Information Manager content in a more friendly, customized way, and manage the debris that ActiveSync and other sync tools accidentally create! Toolbox 3.0 provides an interface anyone can use with colorful descriptive icons and easy to use wizard like screens."

WebIS Toolbox does everything from removing duplicate contacts and backing up your PIM data to automatically correcting time zone information. It is compatible with all Windows Mobile 2003 / 2003 Second Edition devices and can be purchased from Handango for $24.95. A trial version is available from WebIS. [Affiliate]

WebIS Toolbox does everything from removing duplicate contacts and backing up your PIM data to automatically correcting time zone information. It is compatible with all Windows Mobile 2003 / 2003 Second Edition devices and can be purchased from Handango for $24.95. A trial version is available from WebIS. [Affiliate]