Thursday, September 8, 2005
PDAToday Reviews the GN Netcom GN 6210 Bluetooth Headset
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 02:00 PM
"Bluetooth headsets for mobile phones are great... More and more mobile phones are featuring Bluetooth as a standard feature. This is all great for your mobile phone, but what about at your home or office. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have one headset for all your telephone needs?... Well now you can have all the features and ease of use that one Bluetooth headset can give you."

Hey! Isn't that that Jabra headset in disguise? Ah, but there's a catch! GN Netcom (I *think* that's the company name) has come up with a richer, more versatile solution, allowing you to use the headset with both your mobile and your office needs. Read on and let us know if this is something you'd be interested in!

Hey! Isn't that that Jabra headset in disguise? Ah, but there's a catch! GN Netcom (I *think* that's the company name) has come up with a richer, more versatile solution, allowing you to use the headset with both your mobile and your office needs. Read on and let us know if this is something you'd be interested in!