Wednesday, August 24, 2005
HTC Universal Review
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 12:00 PM
"Well I promised it… I've had lots of email on the theme of 'lucky devil' as I declared I'd got an HTC universal device. I wanted to share my initial thoughts on the device and my experiences over the last few days. I'll focus on the Universal as a Phone/Data device initially and expand over the coming days…."

Hot! Hot! Hot! A gentleman by the name of Jason Langridge has gotten his hands on the HTC Universal and gives his initial impressions. Unfortunately, there are no screenshots and his review is somewhat short, but he does seem excited about the device. To be sure, it is a BIG device according to Jason, but all the features and capabilities more than make up for it in his opinion. Head on over and take a look!

Hot! Hot! Hot! A gentleman by the name of Jason Langridge has gotten his hands on the HTC Universal and gives his initial impressions. Unfortunately, there are no screenshots and his review is somewhat short, but he does seem excited about the device. To be sure, it is a BIG device according to Jason, but all the features and capabilities more than make up for it in his opinion. Head on over and take a look!