Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Arne Hess Pimps His Ride, UMTS Syle
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 01:00 PM
"Ok, there is nothing more boring than sitting in the car while in a traffic jam without a high-speed connection, that's wasted time. Sure you can have your Notebook with a 3G/UMTS PC-card with you or (if you are lucky) your HTC Universal, also with inbuilt 3G or - if you are not that lucky (but lucky enough) - you have your GPRS connected Pocket PC with you but why not making the whole vehicle truly wireless? I did - with O2's Surf@home box I'm calling from now "Surf@Autobahn". I've previewed O2's Surf@home a while back; it's basically a W-LAN access point with an interface to O2's UMTS network instead an interface to a DSL-modem which means, you can use your W-LAN equipped devices (Pocket PCs, Notebooks, Smartphones) to surf with UMTS speed, even if these devices aren't UMTS enabled and you don't need a dial-up connection at home anymore (for sure it cannot replace a DSL connection)."

Arne Hess from the::unwired has hacked together a very cool solution - I'd love something like this, but our so-behind-the-times carriers here in Canada likely won't offer something like this for several years. If this is the future of wireless from carriers, I'm all over it - assuming the price isn't too crushing.

Arne Hess from the::unwired has hacked together a very cool solution - I'd love something like this, but our so-behind-the-times carriers here in Canada likely won't offer something like this for several years. If this is the future of wireless from carriers, I'm all over it - assuming the price isn't too crushing.