Monday, August 22, 2005
Ottawa Police Issue Tickets from Handhelds
Posted by Jason Dunn in "NEWS" @ 10:00 PM
"Errors are more common than you would think. According to most data in Canada and the United States, police make these mistakes on up to one in five tickets. While the rest of the country can enjoy the hope of human error to beat their tickets, Ottawa's police are cracking the whip by closing the loopholes and at the same time saving taxpayers a little money. On Thursday, the Ottawa police introduced a new technology to idiot-proof all provincial violations, including speeding tickets. The new “electronic ticket pads” will be used first by motorcycle officers and then will move to all patrols in the coming months. The devices streamline the ticketing process by importing personal information from the magnetic strip on a driver's licence and allowing the officers to access the relevant act electronically."

Just when you were hoping you'd get away with that speeding ticket - handhelds, the technology we know and love, will now help convict you of speeding. 8O Interesting use of the technology, my own personal feeling about the pointlessness of most speeding tickets notwithstanding. Can anyone identify what PDA they're using in this photo? I can't tag the make or model (there's a bigger image on the news site).

Just when you were hoping you'd get away with that speeding ticket - handhelds, the technology we know and love, will now help convict you of speeding. 8O Interesting use of the technology, my own personal feeling about the pointlessness of most speeding tickets notwithstanding. Can anyone identify what PDA they're using in this photo? I can't tag the make or model (there's a bigger image on the news site).