Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Screenshots of Opera for Windows Mobile Pocket PCs
Posted by Darius Wey in "THOUGHT" @ 10:00 AM

I had an epiphany today. There aren't actually that many unique browsers for the Pocket PC. To name a few, there's Internet Explorer Mobile, NetFront, and ThunderHawk, but the vast majority of browser-related applications for the Pocket PC jazz up Internet Explorer Mobile rather than offer a different product altogether. Wouldn't you love to have more range to choose from? Months ago, Minimo was announced, and as of today, it is still trudging along slowly in the beta phase. But what about Opera for Windows Mobile? Smartphone users were officially graced with its presence in June, and as expected, there were a lot of questions being thrown left, right and centre as to whether Pocket PC users would receive a version of what Opera like to pride themselves on - a browser which delivers "speed, security, and simplicity". As far as official announcements were concerned, Opera stated that a Pocket PC version was on the roadmap, but left no further details.
To help alleviate some of the pain and suffering experienced by Opera fans, PocketCenter.de has just posted three screenshots of the Opera browser running on a Pocket LOOX 720. If the Smartphone version is anything to go by, it probably won't be free come final release, but based on what Opera's capable of, it may end up being plenty of bang for buck.
Are any of you excited by the idea of having Opera on your Pocket PC, or is your heart set on another browser?
Translation: German to English (Google)