Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Motorola: Getting Its Groove Back
Posted by Jon Westfall in "THOUGHT" @ 10:30 AM
"It's a muggy Friday morning in mid-July and a group of Motorola designers are gathered on the 26th floor in the company's downtown Chicago design center. They're looking over prototypes for a new mobile phone when CEO Edward J. Zander pokes his head in the door: "Can I come in?" Dressed casually, in jeans and a polo shirt, he quickly gets down to business. The models on the table are for the Q, a phone with a full qwerty keyboard designed to compete with the wildly popular BlackBerry, from Research in Motion"

Our sister site, Smartphone Thoughts, posted on this article and we thought that the PPC crowd might find it equally as interesting. Apparently Motorola is aware that they need to be just as cool as some other phone manufacturers (Because I know personally, I take into account how hip a company is when I buy their products :roll: ), and have been coming up with some new hotnesses to pump up the bottom line (Scary, but it seems to be actually working). The article is a bit long, but you'll find a few tidbits in it, including the reason the Mpx was nixed. If you guessed that it wasn't marketable to children wanting ringtones and overpriced games, you're on the right track...

Our sister site, Smartphone Thoughts, posted on this article and we thought that the PPC crowd might find it equally as interesting. Apparently Motorola is aware that they need to be just as cool as some other phone manufacturers (Because I know personally, I take into account how hip a company is when I buy their products :roll: ), and have been coming up with some new hotnesses to pump up the bottom line (Scary, but it seems to be actually working). The article is a bit long, but you'll find a few tidbits in it, including the reason the Mpx was nixed. If you guessed that it wasn't marketable to children wanting ringtones and overpriced games, you're on the right track...