Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Exclusive McDeb Themes for Pocket PC Thoughts Subscribers
Posted by Jason Dunn in "CONTENT" @ 07:00 PM

I meant to post about this months ago, but it slipped off my radar - if you're a subscriber, be sure to check out the set of six themes that McDeb has created for you! These themes are only available here for subscribers - there are 18 themes in total, six designs then each is available in regular, SE (landscape + portrait), and VGA versions. As an added bonus, there are desktop wallpapers available for two of them, in three sizes each (1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024, and 1600 x 1200). Download them now, and thanks for supporting this site by being a subscriber!
If you haven't stopped by McDeb's site in a while, you should - she has some great themes on her site, like this one.