Monday, July 25, 2005
Motorola Announces the Motorola Q (Formerly Known as the RAZRberry)
Posted by Jason Dunn in "NEWS" @ 08:00 PM
"Motorola has officially announced the Motorola Q (also know as the RAZRberry or the Franklin). The Q is an extremely thin Windows Mobile 5.0 device, measuring in at 0.45 inches think. It features a 320x240 pixel screen (which means it is landscape by default). The Q is based on Windows Mobile 5.0 for Smartphone, though you would think with the QWERTY keyboard that is included the device would be running Phone Edition. Pictures, further specs, and the complete press release are below. The Motorola Q includes 1.3 Megapixel camera, miniSD, Bluetooth, a QWERTY thumb/keyboard, keys for one-handed navigation and more. The QWERTY keyboard has the same EL backlighting as the RAZR but the keys are raised for touch typing. The expected release date is Q1 2006."

Well, looks like I was wrong - when I posted about this last month I thought that based on the specs it would be a Pocket PC Phone Edition. It's not - it's a Smartphone! But here's what's curious: in the press release, Motorola doesn't confirm the RAM/ROM configuration, or the CPU type. It certainly looks like a very full-featured Smartphone! Unfortunately it won't be available until Q1 2006 - what's with Motorola and their huge lag time between announcement and when the actually ship the product? This looks like it might be a killer product, but I hope Motorola brings it to market with their first timetable target.

Well, looks like I was wrong - when I posted about this last month I thought that based on the specs it would be a Pocket PC Phone Edition. It's not - it's a Smartphone! But here's what's curious: in the press release, Motorola doesn't confirm the RAM/ROM configuration, or the CPU type. It certainly looks like a very full-featured Smartphone! Unfortunately it won't be available until Q1 2006 - what's with Motorola and their huge lag time between announcement and when the actually ship the product? This looks like it might be a killer product, but I hope Motorola brings it to market with their first timetable target.