Monday, July 18, 2005
Using Your Axim To Jack Up Your Trailer (AKA Another Otterbox Review)
Posted by Jon Westfall in "HARDWARE" @ 06:13 PM
"I tried to get some kind of rating for how much weight I could place on the case, but I guess that data wasn't available. As you can see in the following photos, I placed my Dell Axim X50v in the Armor 1900 under one of the stabilizing jacks of my 25-foot travel trailer, weighing in at over 7,000 pounds. The top flip cover deflected a couple millimeters, but otherwise the case had no problems handling the load I normally place on wood blocks."
See that tiny little yellow sliver under the trailer? That's the Otterbox Armor 1900 case we've posted a couple of reviews on (Come on, you remember - the frontpage had a picture of the case in an very small bathtub :) ) So when our most excellent news editor forwarded me this additional review, I was skeptical - Hadn't we seen all this baby could do? Well, after seeing the trailer picture, I knew it warrented another post. Really, what does someone have to do to destroy this thing? Check out the review, see the up close shot of it between cinder block & trailer, and for diety's sake: If you need to protect your PPC from earthquakes, terrorists, tornados, icebergs, hurricanes, Barney the purple dinosaur, or anything else: Look into this case!

See that tiny little yellow sliver under the trailer? That's the Otterbox Armor 1900 case we've posted a couple of reviews on (Come on, you remember - the frontpage had a picture of the case in an very small bathtub :) ) So when our most excellent news editor forwarded me this additional review, I was skeptical - Hadn't we seen all this baby could do? Well, after seeing the trailer picture, I knew it warrented another post. Really, what does someone have to do to destroy this thing? Check out the review, see the up close shot of it between cinder block & trailer, and for diety's sake: If you need to protect your PPC from earthquakes, terrorists, tornados, icebergs, hurricanes, Barney the purple dinosaur, or anything else: Look into this case!