Friday, July 15, 2005
Crisis GPS Locator for Real-Time Tracking & Reporting Anywhere in the World
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 02:00 PM
"Your people and activities are geographically dispersed, but you need to be able to know where they are precisely, at any given time, in case a crisis occurs. Your people also need to have the opportunity to report instantly any critical event. As a client application of the Profiler, Crisis Locator© provides your organization with an innovative tool to track your people and initiate bottom-up reporting."

Numerous companies around the world deploy their own mobile work force and in the case of unexpected emergencies and/or disasters (e.g. the Tsunami in Southeast Asia late last year or the recent bombings in London), it's imperative for those companies to be able to account for their employees. Several companies I've seen now enforce policies that ensure mobile workers keep their profiles up-to-date with their current location and contact information. Unfortunately, this only covers where people are scheduled to be and not where they actually are. Crisis Consulting is all about leveraging GPS technologies and PDA devices to help bridge that gap.

Numerous companies around the world deploy their own mobile work force and in the case of unexpected emergencies and/or disasters (e.g. the Tsunami in Southeast Asia late last year or the recent bombings in London), it's imperative for those companies to be able to account for their employees. Several companies I've seen now enforce policies that ensure mobile workers keep their profiles up-to-date with their current location and contact information. Unfortunately, this only covers where people are scheduled to be and not where they actually are. Crisis Consulting is all about leveraging GPS technologies and PDA devices to help bridge that gap.