Monday, July 11, 2005
Mozongoware Reviews Diet Partner 1.2
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 07:00 AM
"What the world probably doesn’t need is more lawyers and more diet plans, but Diet Partner is neither. The name Diet Partner is well-chosen because it is simply your partner in conquering in weight loss. It has no particular platform to push, for it works with all the most popular diets: Weight Watchers, South Beach, Atkins, and The Zone. Of course you don’t have to be following any particular diet plan either, and that’s what caught my attention. Let’s see how it works."

Tim from Mozongoware has just reviewed Diet Partner 1.2, a diet-tracking product for your Pocket PC. Looks fancy, so be sure to check it out if you're interested. :)

Tim from Mozongoware has just reviewed Diet Partner 1.2, a diet-tracking product for your Pocket PC. Looks fancy, so be sure to check it out if you're interested. :)