Saturday, July 2, 2005
SuDoku Coming Soon from Mastersoft Mobile Solutions
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 AM
"How hard can it be? Try the insanely addictive SuDoku game from Mastersoft Mobile Solutions now by downloading the Beta 1. All testers that post useful feedback will receive a free copy (most prolific testers will also feature in the credits). SuDoku has taken the World by storm! So what does it involve? Simply fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 without repeating in either a column, row or 3x3 grid. Sounds easy doesn't it? SuDoku Master comes with at over one million puzzles built in. No puzzle is ever repeated. Enjoy the Beta but be sure to take plenty of breaks."

If you're into puzzle games, this looks like the motherload. Mastersoft is looking for beta testers, so drop by if you want to get a first look at SuDoku.

If you're into puzzle games, this looks like the motherload. Mastersoft is looking for beta testers, so drop by if you want to get a first look at SuDoku.