Friday, July 1, 2005
BestaPro DMP-1: This Week's Whatchamacallit!
Posted by Darius Wey in "THE COMPETITION" @ 03:30 AM

This Korean-made portable media player / PDA / electronic reference thingy-ma-jig packs a punch in the specs department. Equipped with a Samsung S3C2440 400MHz processor, 64MB RAM, a 20GB HDD, a 240x320 swivel LCD screen, a 1.3MP digital camera, USB 2.0 (with USB 1.1 host), TV-Out, an SD slot, and a 2000mAh Li-Ion battery, the BestaPro DMP-1 supposedly doubles up as a portable media player and a standard PDA (the BestaPro site advertises it as the perfect device for accessing Britannica and an electronic dictionary, as well as acting as a movie player, MP3 player, Flash player, FM radio, digital camera, digital camcorder, a gaming device, a voice recorder, and the list goes on and on and on and on and...). ;-)
Pictures can be found at The official DMP-1 site can be found here. Note that both links point to Korean websites. If you need a somewhat reliable online translator, there's always "Google Language Tools".