Wednesday, June 22, 2005
MobileTechReview Reviews the i-Mate JAM
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 04:00 PM
"Why is it that some of the sweetest phones never make it to the US? The XDA II comes to mind, which was both hugely popular overseas and quite powerful as a Pocket PC and a phone. Now the i-mate JAM (code named HTC Magician, and sold by T-Mobile Germany as the MDA Compact and by o2 as the XDA II mini) has taken every market by storm except the US where no carrier offers it. <...> What is the JAM? It's the smallest Pocket PC phone to date, being similar in size to the palmOne Treo 650 and much smaller than the Siemens SX66. Though it lacks those competitors' built-in keyboard, it does have a reasonably fast processor, Bluetooth, an SD slot and a camera."

Wow! Some of the pictures from the article really do a good job of showing just how small this device is. What I really like is that it's a convergence device without looking like a convergence device. In other words, I probably wouldn't have to worry about flight attendents telling me I can't use the device no matter how hard I try to explain that it's in flight mode. Personally, I think I would still prefer a thumb-pad, but I really like the clean minimalist look of this i-Mate as well. Luckily for those of us in the US, it is available in two tri-band models depending on which GSM carrier you are with (though I would have preferred quad-band). Unfortunately, you'll have to rely on 3rd party importers because none of the major carriers are selling it. Anyway, be sure to check out the review and give us your thoughts!

Wow! Some of the pictures from the article really do a good job of showing just how small this device is. What I really like is that it's a convergence device without looking like a convergence device. In other words, I probably wouldn't have to worry about flight attendents telling me I can't use the device no matter how hard I try to explain that it's in flight mode. Personally, I think I would still prefer a thumb-pad, but I really like the clean minimalist look of this i-Mate as well. Luckily for those of us in the US, it is available in two tri-band models depending on which GSM carrier you are with (though I would have preferred quad-band). Unfortunately, you'll have to rely on 3rd party importers because none of the major carriers are selling it. Anyway, be sure to check out the review and give us your thoughts!