Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Create Magical Items with Artificer
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:30 AM
"You are a master artisan, able to craft magical artifacts treasured most by the adventuring type. These artifacts will help adventurers survive the many dungeon levels that await them and their quest to obtain more treasure. Take advantage of the wealth of these brave souls by selling your best (or worst) magical items in your Adventurer's Shop. You must learn to balance what items are needed most, what the local heroes can afford, and how powerful your items need be. For the process of artificing takes time and coin, but the result could be a masterpiece."

Artificer is now available from Handango for $19.95. It features an in-game tutorial, five difficulty levels, a Hall of Fame, multiple save slots, three hero classes with ten different item types and ten different powers, mini-games, and original music by Jason Surguine. A trial version is also available for those who wish to test this game first. [Affiliate]

Artificer is now available from Handango for $19.95. It features an in-game tutorial, five difficulty levels, a Hall of Fame, multiple save slots, three hero classes with ten different item types and ten different powers, mini-games, and original music by Jason Surguine. A trial version is also available for those who wish to test this game first. [Affiliate]