Thursday, June 2, 2005
TextPlus for Windows Mobile Released
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 AM
"TextPlus is a predict text input tool that can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of text entry on your Palm OS or Windows Mobile devices. TextPlus supports intelligent dictionary-based suggestion of words and phrases to speed up your text entry. When you enter one or more letters of a word or a phrase in any Palm OS or Windows Mobile application, a list of words and a list of phrases that start with these letters are displayed. When you tap on any of the words or any of the phrases, your choice is automatically inserted at the current cursor location. One unique feature of TextPlus is its frequency-based intelligent search engine, which chooses only frequently used words and phrases for suggestion. The frequency of each word and phrase is updated automatically as you use TextPlus so that the speed and accuracy of your text entry would increase over time."

Ex-Palm users may be familiar with TextPlus, which has just been released for the Pocket PC. If you're interested in giving this input tool a go, a trial version can be downloaded from Handango, who also happens to be selling the application for $19.95. [Affiliate]

Ex-Palm users may be familiar with TextPlus, which has just been released for the Pocket PC. If you're interested in giving this input tool a go, a trial version can be downloaded from Handango, who also happens to be selling the application for $19.95. [Affiliate]