Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Trend Micro Mobile Security 2.0 Beta Program
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 PM
"Trend Micro Mobile Security 2.0 provides a focused anti-virus and SMS spam detection solution for mobile phones and PDA devices. Service providers, enterprises with mission critical mobile infrastructures, as well as home users requiring a security software for portable devices may use the solution. The integrated solution provides automatic, real-time scanning to protect wireless devices against malicious code and viruses on the Web or hidden inside files. As the number of data-centric mobile devices grows, industry analysts such as Gartner and Meta Group expect them to become an attractive target for virus writers. Mobile Security provides protection against emerging threats via a compact yet sophisticated scan engine that helps detect and block malicious code."

Trend Micro have recently stepped up their beta program and are now offering v2.0 of their Mobile Security package (providing virus and real-time SMS spam protection) for Windows Mobile and Symbian devices. For more information on the beta program, click here.

Trend Micro have recently stepped up their beta program and are now offering v2.0 of their Mobile Security package (providing virus and real-time SMS spam protection) for Windows Mobile and Symbian devices. For more information on the beta program, click here.