Tuesday, July 5, 2005
"Centipede & More Classic Games" Reviewed
Posted by Philip Colmer in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM

Product Category: Games compilation
Manufacturer: Mobile Digital Media
Where to Buy: Handango (affiliate)
Price: $29.99 USD
System Requirements: Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC and Pocket PC Phone Edition with 16.2MB available free memory on device for installation of all games.
- Interesting variety of games;
- Excellent value for your money;
- CD-ROM includes both Pocket PC & Palm versions.
- Not all of the games will appeal to everyone;
- Shame it doesn't come on a memory card.
MDM certainly feel that "Centipede & More Classic Games" is one worth putting on your shopping list, emblazoning the packaging with the phrase "The 'must-have' game collection!". However, the decision to buy a compilation is not an easy one - will you like all of the items that have been chosen? Will there be enough items that you do like to have made the purchase worthwhile?
Read on for the full review!