Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Apple Scrapped the PDA Because...
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 08:00 AM
"When Steve Jobs was installed as Apple's interim CEO, among the products he axed was the Newton, the world's first practical PDA. It was released prematurely but had a promising future... In 2001, Jobs explained: "You can't imagine how many people think we're crazy for not doing a Palm. I won't lie; we thought about it a lot. But I started asking myself, how useful are they, really? How many people at a given meeting show up with one? I don't think early cultures had organisers, but I do know they had music. It's in our DNA.""

If you've ever wondered why Apple chose to walk the iPod path instead of the PDA path, then this Sydney Morning Herald article is certainly worth a read. Jobs says PDAs aren't all that useful, but I believe anyone could put his claim to the test by looking at the raging success of Windows Mobile devices. Besides, if Apple wanted to take a swipe at the PDA market, all they would need to do is make their PDA white, bundle it with some iconic earphones, and in this day and age, it'll probably sell like hot cakes! But hey, if you Apple fans don't get your wish anytime soon, then consider the iPoc the next best thing. :lol:

If you've ever wondered why Apple chose to walk the iPod path instead of the PDA path, then this Sydney Morning Herald article is certainly worth a read. Jobs says PDAs aren't all that useful, but I believe anyone could put his claim to the test by looking at the raging success of Windows Mobile devices. Besides, if Apple wanted to take a swipe at the PDA market, all they would need to do is make their PDA white, bundle it with some iconic earphones, and in this day and age, it'll probably sell like hot cakes! But hey, if you Apple fans don't get your wish anytime soon, then consider the iPoc the next best thing. :lol: