Monday, May 9, 2005
MEDC 2005 - Ready for Liftoff!
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 07:00 AM

Stop whatever you're doing and look at the nearest calendar - double quick! Yes, it's May 9. Okay, it's not exactly a public holiday, so why on earth am I getting so worked up? Today's the day when the Microsoft Mobile & Embedded Developers Conference (otherwise, favourably known as MEDC) gets underway at the world famous gamble grove, Las Vegas! As you would have found out from a post made by Jason a few days ago, our very own Peter Foot will be there to give us instant updates on what's hot and what's not. It's also his duty to ensure he eats our fair share of MEDC finger food. On a more serious note, Peter can't be in ten places at the one time, so if you've got some hot MEDC news that you think every geek on this planet should know about, please feel free to let us know by submitting that information through the Pocket PC Thoughts contact page.
News sources are hinting at the unveiling of the next version of Windows Mobile, so we may see some cool technologies on display. Maybe a few new devices? Little green aliens? Who knows? As MEDC runs from May 9 to May 12, we'll endeavour to keep you posted on all the latest news throughout the week. If you're interested, you can visit the official MEDC 2005 website here. There is also an official MEDC 2005 Podcast which you can subscribe to here.