Monday, May 9, 2005
iPAQ hw6500 Comparison Shots: My Diety, It Sizes Like A Treo
Posted by Jon Westfall in "NEWS" @ 04:29 AM
"Apparently some more comparison photos appear on the web...This person states the units are quite close in site and shape to the treo and puts a side by side comparison of them.. "
For comparison's sake, I've superimposed the Treo over the hw6500 from the photos on Dave's iPAQ, showing that the hw6500 is slightly taller, and a few centimeters wider than the Treo. Otherwise, it sizes pretty nicely, and is significantly smaller than previous keyboard-laden iPAQs. Now all we need are definite release dates and juicy deals to start appearing!

For comparison's sake, I've superimposed the Treo over the hw6500 from the photos on Dave's iPAQ, showing that the hw6500 is slightly taller, and a few centimeters wider than the Treo. Otherwise, it sizes pretty nicely, and is significantly smaller than previous keyboard-laden iPAQs. Now all we need are definite release dates and juicy deals to start appearing!