Saturday, May 7, 2005
Skin Me!
Posted by Darius Wey in "CONTENT" @ 07:00 PM
Pocket PC Thoughts member, djpandora, recently announced the availability of his Plastic VGA skin for Windows Media 10 Mobile. If there ever is a lack of anything in this world, it would be Windows Media 10 Mobile skins. Head over to Microsoft's very own skin page and the results are obvious. Even more so - the lack of VGA skins! So djpandora really has put the icing on the cake with this one and with the help of Pocket PC Thoughts, he has decided to offer it for free to the community. To install it, download Plastic from here, unzip the contents of the archive into a folder of your choice (e.g. Plastic) and copy that folder to "\Program Files\Windows Media Player". Open up Windows Media 10 Mobile and you should see the skin appear in the Skin Chooser. Simply select it and enjoy!

Click the thumbnail above for a larger version of the picture.
Now I'm not going to cut the thread short just yet. Since it's the weekend and news is a little dry, I'm going to give any skinners the opportunity to do a bit of self-promotion! If you have a skin creation that you would like to share (whether it be for QVGA or VGA devices), then feel free to add a link to your skin as well as a few descriptive sentences, and hopefully, we can turn this into a resourceful skin thread for future use.

Click the thumbnail above for a larger version of the picture.
Now I'm not going to cut the thread short just yet. Since it's the weekend and news is a little dry, I'm going to give any skinners the opportunity to do a bit of self-promotion! If you have a skin creation that you would like to share (whether it be for QVGA or VGA devices), then feel free to add a link to your skin as well as a few descriptive sentences, and hopefully, we can turn this into a resourceful skin thread for future use.