Monday, May 2, 2005
TrafficEdge 3.0 Released
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM
"Save time and frustration by being informed. With TrafficEdge you'll always know the right way home. It gives you easy to understand traffic maps traffic camera images so you can steer clear of the trouble spots."

TrafficEdge 3.0 has just been released for Pocket PC and Smartphone and it allows you to gain access to traffic maps and cameras from the Department of Transport using a server-driven subscription model to ensure that you always have the latest data on-hand. You can download a free trial version from Handango. If it's what you're after, TrafficEdge is available at $4.99! [Affiliate]
Update: Just a quick notice that since I posted the initial announcement, EdgeQ hiked up the price of the software from $2.00 to $4.99.

TrafficEdge 3.0 has just been released for Pocket PC and Smartphone and it allows you to gain access to traffic maps and cameras from the Department of Transport using a server-driven subscription model to ensure that you always have the latest data on-hand. You can download a free trial version from Handango. If it's what you're after, TrafficEdge is available at $4.99! [Affiliate]
Update: Just a quick notice that since I posted the initial announcement, EdgeQ hiked up the price of the software from $2.00 to $4.99.