Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Reviews of Spb Diary Begin to Surface
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 11:30 PM

Since yesterday's announcement of Spb Diary, a number of reviews have started to surface - namely, at MTekk, and Geekzone. Although Diary is packed with features, each reviewer appears to have a different view of the product. Some have given it all praise, while some have not. At MTekk, the final assessment appeared a little ho-hum with a score of 6.5, and many community members across many websites have cried out for originality after claims that it "looks" and "feels" too much like SBSH PocketBreeze. Personally, I think the whole "X copied Y" issue is a moot point, and besides, they say competition brews innovation, so with time, I'm sure we'll see each product pan out to be unique in their own ways. So for those of you who have tried Spb Diary, what are your thoughts? It'd be great if this were kept an active discussion solely on Spb Diary, its features, and its ups and downs, and not just another Spb vs. SBSH rant.