Monday, April 25, 2005
Conduits Pocket Artist 3.0 Released
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 10:30 AM
"Conduits Technologies, Inc. announced today the release of Pocket Artist 3.0 for the Windows Powered Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003 and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition-compatible devices. Pocket Artist is a drawing and image manipulation program for Windows powered devices, and has been awarded the Graphic Design and Drawing Application prize at the Best Pocket PC Software Awards three years in a row. Pocket Artist 3.0 provides full color graphics editing on mobile devices. The user interface is optimized for small screens while retaining a full set of features-supporting both digital photo management and original art development. Pocket Artist fully supports a variety of graphics formats, such as JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP and the multifaceted PSD format. With Pocket Artist 3.0, users can open, edit and save multi-layer images with their Pocket PC."

Beta testing this product was a whole bundle of fun, and suffice to say, it's packed with more features than ever before. Some of the newer features include: WM2003SE/VGA support, batch JPEG processing, animated GIF wizard, twelve new filters with a plugin framework, IPTC/EXIF support, caption editor, multilevel undo, virtual memory swapfiles engine, layer masks and alpha channels. The full press release can be read here. Existing Pocket Artist customers can purchase the upgrade for $19.95 (a free upgrade is available for those who purchased Pocket Artist after November 1st, 2004). Otherwise, new users can download a trial version from Handango, and purchase the full version for $49.95. [Affiliate]

Beta testing this product was a whole bundle of fun, and suffice to say, it's packed with more features than ever before. Some of the newer features include: WM2003SE/VGA support, batch JPEG processing, animated GIF wizard, twelve new filters with a plugin framework, IPTC/EXIF support, caption editor, multilevel undo, virtual memory swapfiles engine, layer masks and alpha channels. The full press release can be read here. Existing Pocket Artist customers can purchase the upgrade for $19.95 (a free upgrade is available for those who purchased Pocket Artist after November 1st, 2004). Otherwise, new users can download a trial version from Handango, and purchase the full version for $49.95. [Affiliate]