Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Samsung Will Produce 4GB 0.85-inch Hard Drive
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 05:00 AM
"Samsung Electronics is planning to enter the competitive miniature hard-disk drive market later this year, an executive at its semiconductor unit said on Friday. The company's first product will have a storage capacity of 4 GB and . . . will be an 0.85-inch type and be available from the third quarter of this year. . . . Samsung expects the price of flash memory to drop by roughly half in each of the next two to three years and said similar price falls for miniature hard-disk drives will be difficult to achieve."

An unrelated picture of a tiny hard drive.
Well, it looks like Toshiba has some competition in the market for tiny hard drives. There are already several phones that contain hard drives and who knows what the future has in store for PPCs? Still, the last paragraph of the Yahoo news story makes it clear that Samsung's main enemy may not be Toshiba's hard drives, but instead Flash memory. After all, if there is no significant cost difference between hard drives and Flash, why bother going with a medium which is more power hungy and prone to failure? Still, Samsung's entry to the market will mean more fabulously fun photos of tiny hard drives and that can only be a good thing for all of us. ;-)

An unrelated picture of a tiny hard drive.
Well, it looks like Toshiba has some competition in the market for tiny hard drives. There are already several phones that contain hard drives and who knows what the future has in store for PPCs? Still, the last paragraph of the Yahoo news story makes it clear that Samsung's main enemy may not be Toshiba's hard drives, but instead Flash memory. After all, if there is no significant cost difference between hard drives and Flash, why bother going with a medium which is more power hungy and prone to failure? Still, Samsung's entry to the market will mean more fabulously fun photos of tiny hard drives and that can only be a good thing for all of us. ;-)