Wednesday, April 13, 2005
PocketPDB for the Dell Axim x50v
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 02:00 PM
"I wrote a demo app, really intended for my own interest to see just how good the hardware 3D graphics is on the x50v. I've shown it to a few folks internally, and had requests to grab the app, so I thought I'd throw it out there (no source currently, maybe to follow). It's basically a technology demo that enables you to rotate a protein cartoon in real time, but I'd like to develop it further (hence the ambitious name for the app). This is the first OpenGL program I've written, so be lenient. Remember that this app is only for the Dell Axim x50v."

It's a very simple demo, but it works very well (remember to install to internal RAM) and shows what the 2700G is capable of. I'd love to see more games take advantage of this - or, heck, just VGA in general. I've been loading up some apps on my X50v and the graphic quality of some apps leaves a lot to be desired. I'm particularly distressed with how Pocket Internet Explorer 200% scales all graphics, making our mobile site look rather chunky...but I digress. :roll: If you have an X50v, check out PocketPDB.

It's a very simple demo, but it works very well (remember to install to internal RAM) and shows what the 2700G is capable of. I'd love to see more games take advantage of this - or, heck, just VGA in general. I've been loading up some apps on my X50v and the graphic quality of some apps leaves a lot to be desired. I'm particularly distressed with how Pocket Internet Explorer 200% scales all graphics, making our mobile site look rather chunky...but I digress. :roll: If you have an X50v, check out PocketPDB.