Tuesday, April 12, 2005
SpaceTime Graphing Calculator Updated with VGA Support
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:00 PM
"SpaceTime 1.8, a revolutionary graphing calculator for the Pocket PC empowers your mobile device with 2D, 3D, and 4D graphing and nearly all the mathematical capabilities of a TI-83 Calculator."

If any of you are looking for a serious science/engineering calculator with cool VGA-graphing capabilities or already own this but did not have the VGA support, you'll want to check this out. I have to admit, while I personally have no need for this type of application, I was pretty impressed by the screenshots and I can only imagine how nice they must look in VGA. Purchase price is $29.95, and as a bonus, you'll get their SpaceTime Calculator (normally $9.95) as a part of the bundle. Trial download is also available.

If any of you are looking for a serious science/engineering calculator with cool VGA-graphing capabilities or already own this but did not have the VGA support, you'll want to check this out. I have to admit, while I personally have no need for this type of application, I was pretty impressed by the screenshots and I can only imagine how nice they must look in VGA. Purchase price is $29.95, and as a bonus, you'll get their SpaceTime Calculator (normally $9.95) as a part of the bundle. Trial download is also available.