Monday, April 11, 2005
CNet Reivew the Archos PMA430 PVP
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "THE COMPETITION" @ 05:00 PM
"[W]ith the Archos Pocket Media Assistant PMA430, [Archos] raises [the bar] even further, this time by adding a touch screen and a Linux operating system to the mix. The result is a device that tries to be as practical as it is fun--and it almost succeeds. The $800 PMA430 retains the AV420's superlative design while incorporating an even more amazing roster of features, including Wi-Fi, a Web browser, games, and a PDA's worth of PIM functions. Of course, don't forget the already-stellar movie, music, and photo features, most of which have been improved courtesy of the new OS. In short, this is one awe-inspiring, envy-producing device. To get it, however, you'll have to drain your wallet and live with less-than-perfect performance."
The catchily titled Archos Pocket Media Assistant PMA430 may be a Personal Video Player (PVP), but I've tagged this as a 'Competition' post. As Gizmodo point out, this device runs the same Qtopia Linux-based environment of the Zaurus, which means that it’s effectively a PDA with a 30GB hard drive with Wi-Fi and USB Host capability. Convergence certainly continues to throw up new and interesting hybrid devices. I wonder what's around the corner for us in the Windows Mobile world? :wink:

The catchily titled Archos Pocket Media Assistant PMA430 may be a Personal Video Player (PVP), but I've tagged this as a 'Competition' post. As Gizmodo point out, this device runs the same Qtopia Linux-based environment of the Zaurus, which means that it’s effectively a PDA with a 30GB hard drive with Wi-Fi and USB Host capability. Convergence certainly continues to throw up new and interesting hybrid devices. I wonder what's around the corner for us in the Windows Mobile world? :wink: