Monday, April 11, 2005
Pocket PCs and the Drug and Biological Products Bar Code System
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 12:00 PM
"In an effort to improve patient safety in the hospital setting by reducing medication errors, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a final rule titled, Bar Code Label Requirements for Human Drug Products and Biological Products. FDA is issuing a final rule that requires "bar codes" on most prescription drugs and on certain over-the-counter drugs. The final rule requires linear bar codes on most prescription drugs and on over-the-counter drugs commonly used in hospitals and dispensed pursuant to an order. The bar code must, at a minimum, contain the drug's National Drug Code (NDC) number, which uniquely identifies the drug."

Residents in the United States are probably well aware of the new bar code system brought in by the FDA. So what does this have to do with Pocket PCs? Well, a Pittsburgh news station recently had a mini-presentation on the whole system, and the driving force behind it all were Pocket PCs equipped with Socket's CF In-Hand Scan add-on. Once again, this simply reinforces the fact that Pocket PCs are doing great things for the medical industry, and you have to wonder what's coming next! On a side note, are those hx4700s they're using? 8O
Note: The title link points to a WMV stream. Mobile readers may want to view this when they have access to a computer.

Residents in the United States are probably well aware of the new bar code system brought in by the FDA. So what does this have to do with Pocket PCs? Well, a Pittsburgh news station recently had a mini-presentation on the whole system, and the driving force behind it all were Pocket PCs equipped with Socket's CF In-Hand Scan add-on. Once again, this simply reinforces the fact that Pocket PCs are doing great things for the medical industry, and you have to wonder what's coming next! On a side note, are those hx4700s they're using? 8O
Note: The title link points to a WMV stream. Mobile readers may want to view this when they have access to a computer.