Friday, April 8, 2005
More Details, Pictures On HP's hw6500 Mobile Messenger
Posted by Janak Parekh in "HARDWARE" @ 06:00 AM
"Thanks to our friendly Netherlands resource NieuweMobiel.NL now we can acquaint our readers with live pictures of the device and its official specifications (still not published on official company site). The model is notable for small size, integrated QWERTY-keboard, integrated GPS module and two expansion slots. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) declassified the information about the device last week-end."

The folks over at did an excellent job of summarizing and translating the information found over at Lots of nice pics, too, if you want another look. While this device may not be targeted to the power user, if it's stable and has good battery life it might be a great wireless email solution.

The folks over at did an excellent job of summarizing and translating the information found over at Lots of nice pics, too, if you want another look. While this device may not be targeted to the power user, if it's stable and has good battery life it might be a great wireless email solution.