Monday, March 28, 2005
Introducing GPS.PI to Track Your Friends Via GPS
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:02 PM

Hey, more fun with GPS devices! Thanks to GPS.pi, you can now track your friends positions and movements (and vice versa) over a map. This works best when coupling your GPS receiver with a PPCPE device, but this can also work if you only have a cellphone as opposed to the PPCPE (by sending an Email or SMS with your coordinates). I can see this being real handy with outdoor trips and expeditions amongst friends, or in foreign areas where you and a companion are wandering around independently. Otherwise, this really has more of the W?BIC factor going for it. Anyway, you can get more info here from the developer's website or buy it here from Handango for $47.75 (trial is available). [affilliate link]